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Mask of Honey and Lemon for a healthier and more beautiful face

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Take half a lemon and squeeze the juice into a bowl. Then add 2 tablespoons of organic natural honey and mix together. Apply it onto a clean and dry face, just make sure you avoid your eyes! No one wants eyes covered in honey now do they! Leave on for around 15 minutes and then rinse off with warm water.

As we mentioned before, honey and lemon have great benefits for the skin so this simple 2 ingredient mask is a quick and easy one but comes with a lot of reasons why it’s a good one to make! The honey is naturally anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory to combat blemishes and redness, and the lemon is perfect for exfoliating due to it’s natural acids, which also helps to make the skin look brighter.

Mask of Honey and Lemon for a healthier and more beautiful face Mask of Honey and Lemon for a healthier and more beautiful face Reviewed by My Garden of Flowers on 1:10 PM Rating: 5

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