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If you have sprouted garlic, do not throw it! To explain and why ...

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Probably you happened to garlic sprout before you manage to use. Most people throw the garlic, not knowing that it can be used. The garlic that let calls after five days has significantly higher levels of antioxidants than fresh garlic, according to a new study published in the Journal of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

Find out why garlic is good even when they sprout ...

This might sound strange, but makes more sense if you take into account the current trend where an increasing number of food companies and restaurants offering sprouted grains, nuts, legumes, because this process actually improves the nutrient composition. With this new study, it is clear that the same applies to garlic.

Here's what happens: "Plants are very sensitive to attack bacteria, viruses and insects during germination," says study author. Kim Jong-Sand. 'This causes produce chemicals called may be authorized to defend themselves. Most of them are toxic for microorganisms and insects, but useful for human health. "

Germinated or not, garlic is always a good choice. In both variants of a normal sulfur-containing compounds, such as allicin, for which studies have shown that slow atherosclerosis, lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of certain cancers.

If you have sprouted garlic, do not throw it! To explain and why ... If you have sprouted garlic, do not throw it! To explain and why ... Reviewed by My Garden of Flowers on 5:52 AM Rating: 5

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