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Eat bananas, are healthier than apples

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Bananas contain high levels of potassium, a mineral that is essential for proper functioning of muscles. An excellent source of fiber and are low in saturated fat and cholesterol. This is one of the few types of fruit which contains a complex of B vitamins, some of which are largely represented thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and folic acid.

Compared with apple, banana has four times the protein, twice the phosphorus, five times more carbohydrates, vitamin A and iron, and twice all other vitamins and minerals. Bananas contain copper, manganese, selenium and zinc. This is really wonderful and amazing berries.
Bananas prevent a variety of diseases. Scientists have shown that regular consumption of bananas can reduce the risk of heart attack by as much as 40%. An excellent source of iron, which is essential for the production of hemoglobin and many enzymes that are important for the formation of red blood cells.

A recent survey showed that two bananas a day can significantly reduce blood pressure levels, and therefore certainly inexpensive and delicious way to control pressure levels.
The researchers found that students who eat one banana for breakfast, snack and after lunch had significantly higher concentration. Potassium from bananas stimulates the brain and facilitates learning and memory.

Bananas increase the level of energy and neutralize stomach acid. Pregnant women should consume more of this type of fruit because it is delicious, healthy and facilitates frequent problems during pregnancy such as, for example, morning sickness.
Bananas are best to eat when they mature. Then have the least carbohydrates. Digestive system needs more time to break down the banana that is not mature.
Eat bananas, are healthier than apples Eat bananas, are healthier than apples Reviewed by My Garden of Flowers on 2:05 AM Rating: 5

1 comment

Unknown said...

thank you sharing this health ideas nd mostly think about what we have to eaten its tipicaly think about everyone.

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