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Cheese cake and kiwi fruit

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200 g. Whole wheat biscuits
100 g. Butter, softened

white cream

400 g. Cream cheese
3.5 ounces of full-fat milk cream
150 g. Sugar
2 vanilla sugar
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
10 g. Of beef gelatin powder
kiwi cream

1 kg. cleaned kiwi fruit
200 g. Sugar
20 g. Of beef gelatin powder


Grind the biscuits, mix it with the softened butter and spread in the mold diameter 24th cm.

white cream

Whisk in a sturdy cream cream, sugar and vanilla sugar. Add cream cheese, mix well and add the gelatine previously put ten minutes to half ounces. water to swell and just a little ugrajati to become fluent.
Put the mixture over biscuits. Prepare a curvaceous, if you can, as this in the picture, bowl, coat the outside of the nylon wrap and squeeze the cream. Leave it in the fridge to the cream thickens, about 2 hours. The first separate bowl of foil and remove it and then slowly bend down and foil with cream. Do not be afraid, the foil is removed very easily, does not remain at all filling on it.

kiwi cream

Clean kiwi fruit and grind it fine in a blender or mixer Å¡stapnim. Add sugar and cook for about 10 minutes on low temperature.
I once again both cooked puree soup blender. When cooked, Kiwi lost his beautiful green color, if you want to fil the same color as fresh kiwi fruit, dip a toothpick halfway into Wilton liquid bright green color and run through fil will get the color as fresh kiwi fruit.
Allow to cool slroz.
Gelatin stir with 1 dl. Water, after ten minutes it mildly warm to become fluent and unite with kiwi. Leave again fifteen minutes in the refrigerator to cool completely so pour into a mold with a white cream.
Leave overnight in the fridge to get all nice squeeze.
Garnish as desired.

These measures are solely for mold diameter 24 cm!

Cheese cake and kiwi fruit Cheese cake and kiwi fruit Reviewed by My Garden of Flowers on 3:21 PM Rating: 5

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