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Cake with chocolate banana

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for one sheet

5 egg whites medium size
6 tablespoons sugar
8 tablespoons ground walnuts
1 tablespoon flour
half a pack of baking powder

2 make this crust

10 egg yolks
8 ounces. milk
4 tablespoons sugar
2 vanilla pudding
2 tablespoons flour

180 g. icing sugar
250 g. butter or margarine

10 chocolate bananas
180 g. wafer hazelnut

for decoration
3 cream

The mold for the cake diameter 24 cm. at the bottom of the stick baking paper, not ​​paper or the circumference of the mold.

Egg whites and sugar whites. This means that when after 2.3 minutes egg whites  then still so muddy. Gradually add the walnuts and flour sifted with baking powder gently mute. Crust bake in pre-heated oven at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes, depends on the oven. Allow to cool and peel "falls" so lightly with a knife to separate from the edges of the mold. In this way the crust is not reduced and withdrawn as if it is separated hot from the perimeter.
In the same way to prepare and another sheet.

For the filling, mix the egg yolks lightly, pudding, flour and sugar with a little milk, about 100 ml., Just enough to get a nice and smooth liquid mixture.
Others put the milk to boil and cook the filling, cook on medium heat, stirring for 3-4 minutes. Directly put on the hot fil nylon foil that grasps sheath and allow to cool to room temperature.
Butter room temperature and powdered sugar foam whisk, gradually add the previous fil permanent mute mixer.
The mixture divided into 2 parts, in one part of put sliced ​​bananas to another ground wafer. Phil's a cake stacking leave
fill them - crust, filling with bananas, cream with waffles, other bark.
Cake overnight with bark become juicy, fill  the thigh and to be united tastes.

Wafer before grinding kept cool in a refrigerator to obtain loose crumbs.
Cake with chocolate banana Cake with chocolate banana Reviewed by My Garden of Flowers on 1:49 PM Rating: 5

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