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Rafaello cubes - very tasty and easy to make! Finished in 20 minutes!

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Ingredients Crust:

  8 eggs 8 tablespoons sugar a little baking powder 200 g coconut cream 8 egg yolks 8 tablespoons sugar 4 tablespoons milk 150g dark chocolate 150g margarine 2 whipped cream vanilla Decoration 50 g of coconut flour

  1.  Separate egg whites from yolks. The whites gradually add sugar and mix in the firm snow.

  2. Snow add coconut flour and baking powder. Pour into pan size 30cm.

  3. Bake in a preheated oven at 150 degrees for about 20 minutes.

4. For the cream: In a slow fire to put the milk to boil. In this add more blended egg yolks with sugar. Mix until a paste.

  5. Melt chocolate and shake out the yolks. When cool add the margarine and all with electric mixer combine. Coat after use.

  6. cake put in the fridge to cool while you prepare the whipped cream vanilla. When and puree soup smear cream.

  7. entire cake sprinkled with coconut flour, then cut into cubes.

Rafaello cubes - very tasty and easy to make! Finished in 20 minutes! Rafaello cubes - very tasty and easy to make! Finished in 20 minutes! Reviewed by My Garden of Flowers on 6:30 AM Rating: 5

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